Workpackages and planning
MEMENTO will be organized in six workpackages (WPs) : two experimental (WP2, WP3), two methodological (WP4, WP5), plus one dedicated to project management (WP1) and one dedicated to the dissemination and communication of the results (WP6) (Figure). Experimental WPs, organized along the workflow presented in fig.6, will address the two main objectives of the project through their interconnection. WP2 will support the selection of the more relevant (bio)fungicides and biofilm model according PICT assessment. In returns, WP3 will provide clues about the specificity of the markers and knowledge about co-tolerance. To do so, WP3 will provide isolated mono/co-culture for experiments in WP2 and WP3, based on the results (i.e. taxonomic composition) from WP2. Also, WP5 will be in charge of harmonizing all the data treatment with a feedback to WP2 and WP3 in terms of data interpretation.
Here is describe the planning of MEMENTO